We awoke to the dive bell at 6:20, then headed to the dive deck for the first dive at 7am. Randy was still a bit asleep, he took off his shorts and was standing there in his underwear! He quickly ran back to the room to put on his bathing suit; fortunately only Rick had seen him! We headed down by ourselves, down to about 90 feet under the bow. We swam back along hull. There were SO many fish. Big fish, little fish. We saw a big turtle munching away, as well as a giant grouper. We went back to the boat after 2 safety stops.
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We did our Second dive about an hour later. We followed the same basic route, but at a different depth. We watched some sea snakes and then some commotion under the bow. There were almost too many fish to take in. We saw a fun little porcupine fish. We stayed down about 35 minutes. On the safety stop we watched lots of big stuff swim by. We had to be careful getting back on boat due to a bit of chop on the surface. We looked at pictures and did some writing back on board.
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The third dive was at 11:30. We followed the float line down to the bottom, then went down the opposite side of the ship. We ventured a bit away from the wreck, looking for big stuff. We found a porcupine fish by himself, then another among a school of other fish, trying to blend in. We Saw divers from a day boat, flailing around and harassing sea snakes, uck! We were still amazed by the number and variety of fish.
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Back on the boat we had lunch and found that Andre's "Towel Wrap" look was catching on, two others had them.
Fourth dive, down around the bow of the ship. We saw a little puffer and a sea snake. There was tons of life once again. We hung out back on board for an hour, then debated on a night dive; it seemed a bit spooky.

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We decided to do a short dive, not too deep. We were the first ones in and we descended down the line. It was fairly murky, with a couple of big trevally circling us. They weren't looking for us, only the other fish we were lighting up with our lights! We just went down to the top of the ship to half way and back twice. Randy's flash wasn't working, so we just swam around and looked at all the fish. After 20 minutes we decided to come up. Dinner some great mackerel, was served "restaurant night" again. We laughed and chatted with the other divers, and toasted the trip. It was a great group to spend the week with. Afterwards we went down to the cabin and went right to sleep, which was good since the boat moved during most of the night.