Our first dive was a Rock Arch. We started early, 6:30am in the water. We were definitely hoping for some big stuff. We went through a cave, which was fun and not too tight. We then hung out for a while, swam out to the wall, and then back to the boat. We saw a reef shark in the distance from the hang bar.
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We had breakfast on board, muffins with ham and cheese. We all decided to do a second dive at the same site, after some of the crew got a chance to dive the site. We saw a Moray Eel at about 80 feet. Then the boat moved to Fan Fare. As expected, there were lots of fans. We also saw a large white nudibranch with a yellow stripe.
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Lunch was cheese and spinach pastry, which was tasty. The boat then moved to Two Up. We got a skiff ride out to the site due to some current. We dropped down and saw some great cut throughs around the bommie. Back on board we chatted and laughed with the other divers and watched the sunset from the boat.
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After dark we did our last dive on the same site. We dropped down and saw a couple of sharks lurking around. We saw a few more during the dive, they were patrolling for food, but didn't pay us much attention. We swam around the bommies a few times, it was a great dive!
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